Order Delivery Issues
Should you become aware of a delivery issue, you should report it to us using the Order Delivery Issues process, as outlined below.
Last updated
Should you become aware of a delivery issue, you should report it to us using the Order Delivery Issues process, as outlined below.
Last updated
Order Delivery Issues should be raised whenever you become aware of a problem with an order being shipped to your customer, such as:
Orders simply not arriving:
Where a customer reports that an order has not arrived, you should first check the order tracking information to ensure the order has definitely been shipped and to see where it is within the carriers network.
Where it appears the order should have been shipped, or where it seems the order may have been held up within the carrier's network, you should raise an Order Delivery Issue.
Orders arriving with incorrect items or damaged items:
Where a customer receives an order containing damaged items, or where some of their items are missing, or an incorrect item has been received, you should raise an Order Delivery Issue.
Order delivery issues are raised by first locating the original order within the system. This is done via the Sales Orders Option:
Should you need to create a second Order Delivery Issue, please raise a separate Support Ticket, stating the consignment particulars.
Upon finding the relevant order in the system, tick the box to the left of the grid and the Action drop down will appear. Select the "Order Delivery Issue" option. You will be asked to confirm the process and given confirmation of the successful process before being landed in the Order Delivery Issue:
What is your order delivery issue? - You will be asked to specify the nature of the delivery issue, as follows:
Order has not arrived within the expected time frame.
One or more items arrived damaged. Box or envelope is undamaged.
One or more items and the box or envelope arrived damaged.
An incorrect item has been received.
One or more items are missing from my order.
Issue with Personalisation
Pick the appropriate option and you'll be presented for additional information. This will be different, depending on the option selected.
Detailed Description - Where the order has simply not been received, where an incorrect item has been received or where items are missing from the order, you'll be asked for a detailed description of the problem. Try to include as much product detail as possible. I.e. if you know which SKU code is missing, please include this. Where an incorrect item has been received, please ask for the barcode on the received item as this may help us to track down how such an error has occurred.
Where an order has simply not turned up and where consignment tracking suggests it should have been received, we would normally ask the customer to check with neighbours or locations in which the carrier may have left the item, before instigating a carrier claim.ensure this is done and confirm in the detailed description as the carriers would require this confirmation.
Description of Damage to Packaging / Picture of Damaged Packaging - Where set to "One or more items and the box or envelope arrived damaged." You will be asked to provide a brief description of the damage to the packaging. You will be asked to provide an image of the damage to the packaging.
Description of Damage to Items / Picture of Damaged Items - Where an item has been reported as damaged, you will be asked to provide a brief description of the damage to the item. You will be asked to provide an image of the damage to the item.
Cost of Sales Invoice - In order to for us to submit a carrier claim we must be able to provide the carrier with proof of the value of the items that are missing / damaged. Please upload PDF documents or screenshots proving the values of the items. If an order has simply not turned up, we can begin investigations without a Cost of Sale or 'COS' Invoice. However, should the investigation determine the order should have arrived, then a COS Invoice will be required before we can request a carrier claim.
Replacement Order Reference - Where you have already raised a Replacement Order, please specify the reference here.
Report Order Delivery Issue - This check box is very important. We understand that It may take some time to put together all the images and cost of sales invoices that you require. For this reason the Order Delivery Issue will not be submitted to us to investigate until you tick this check box.
Where asked to attach a file for pictures of damaged packaging, items etc. simply click the ATTACH FILE button and you'll be presented with a file explorer:
Browse to and double click on the image / file you wish to upload and this will be displayed as follows:
Multiple images / files can be uploaded:
To remove a file / image click the blue x within the image button
As soon as you create an Order Delivery Issue, you will be able to find it within the Support section of the system:
An "Original Order" column will also be populated to show the reference of the order that had the Order Delivery Issue:
Upon ticking the "Report Order Delivery Issue" this will be converted to a Support Ticket, which will be brought to the attention of our Service team. They will manage the Order Delivery Issue and contact you with updates.
Please note, carriers impose restrictions on the time frame allowed for reporting of undelivered or damaged items, as follows:
Undelivered Items
Damaged Items
Track Pack
30 Days
7 Days
Royal Mail
80 Days
80 Days
14 Days
14 Days
You will not be able to create multiple Order Delivery Issues for the same original order. Attempting to do so will result in a warning, as follows: