Company Details
Upload your company logo and let us know communication preferences.
The Company Details page is accessible via the Settings menu:
Logo - Your company logo is visible when navigating the system, which can be useful where we are providing fulfilment on your behalf for more than one company. More importantly, this is the logo that will be printed when we produce Dispatch Notes etc. and will also appear on any email communications send by our system when dispatching your orders.
Company Information
Alternative Company Name / Trading Name - The company name you provided when signing up for our services will be used for billing purposes. Should you wish to trade under a different guise, you can do so by populating this field. This will then be printed on Dispatch Notes, emails etc.
Description of Goods (CN22) - Please use this field to give a brief a description of the main products that you sell. This is then used when producing documentation such as CN22 labels for international shipments.
Communication Preferences
Email Address For Customer Services - This email will be printed on Dispatch Notes and emails and will be used as the "From" email address for emails sent to your clients.
Email Address For Stock Notifications - From time to time we may receive items we were not expecting or not receive items that we were expecting. When this occurs we'll email you to let you know, using this email address.
Email Address For Support Tickets - As support tickets are raised, we'll send updates to this email address.
Last updated