The fulfilmentcrowd platform uses easy-to-use 'Wizards' to create and edit data.
When user clicks the New button or clicks on a row in a Selection Screen the system will launch a wizard in new tab, allowing the user to either create or edit a record.
The Wizard displays a title at the top of the page, which refers to the row being edited / created. Down the left of the page are the different steps within the wizard and down the right of the page are the fields pertaining to the current step.
To move between steps, simply click on the step you wish to access, or use the Next / Previous buttons towards the bottom of the screen.
Note: As you move from one step to another, any changes you have made on the initial step will be saved.
Clicking the Finish button will save any changes made on the current step and close the wizard tab.
To close a wizard without saving changes, click on the x to the right of the title in the current Tab, at the top of the page.
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