Product Details

The Product Details step allows you to edit the primary characteristics of a product.

Form of Product - The first and most important thing to consider when creating a product is its "Form", particularly where you are selling items that come in various sizes and colour etc. These are known as "Variant" products.

  • Where you are selling Variant products, you need to create a Variant Base code or style code. When creating this base code, you need to set the "Form of Product" to "Variant Base".

  • If you are not creating a Variant Base code, simply leave the "Form of Product" as "Standard".

Product Code - The Product Code field allows you to specify a unique SKU code by which you will refer to your product. Ideally, this will be the code used when listing products on websites and marketplaces, though this is not essential.

  • This field is forced uppercase, lowercase characters are not permitted.

  • Product Codes can be up to 50 characters in length, though we would recommend no more than 16.

  • Product Codes must be unique to your product catalogue. I.e. you will not be able to create multiple products with the same code.

Product Description - The Product Description would ordinarily be used as a Title for your product when listing on channels and marketplaces. It is an important field as it is printed on documentation received by your customers (Dispatch Notes, Order Confirmation Emails etc.).

  • This field is forced but allows any format of text to be entered.

  • Product Descriptions can be up to 100 characters in length.

Product Groups

Product Groups are a way of categorising your products into segments. This information may later be used to drive particular functionality within the system, or may simply be used for reporting and analysis purposes.

The Groups Displayed may differ depending on the functionality you use within the system, so don't be alarmed if the groups you see above aren't available to you. The most important Product Group is the first one; "Stock Control". This determines how the item is to be fulfilled. The table below details the primary stock control groups. Do not use any other stock control groups unless you have been instructed to do so.

Dangerous Goods - The Dangerous Goods group is very important. If your item is considered a Dangerous Item by carriers, it's essential that you flag this as such when creating your product.

Last updated